Jan 26, 2023
Search is changing. You won’t hear Google talking heads talk about it very much because the types of things that are happening will fundamentally change the model the search engine giant has used to build its search and ad infrastructure. Sridhar Ramaswamy knows; he’s the man who led teams inside Google to build the ad technology that exists today. This conversation pulls back the curtain on what is happening in the search industry, how large language models and the use of A.I. will change everything in the next few years, and explore why Sridhar and his co-founder believe that Neeva, their new consumer-focused search engine based on A.I. is the first step in that direction.
But we also talk about Sridhar’s experience with Google and the terrible things that can happen when a company becomes a monopoly that is as large as the government. His insights into how massive profits decrease the motivation to be truly innovative, how the service of the public good takes a back seat to profitability, and the undue influence such a large company can have on policy and legislation, are worth hearing.
Audio Production and Show Notes